Friday, July 30, 2010

Fishy Elements

Never say I don't deliver on a promise. :o) Here they are!

A little hodpodge of items. I am never sure what to include...hence the scrapping previously done. I just made whatever I needed to fit a layout at the time. Hopefully some of it will be useful to you too.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paper, Paper, Paper

The easy part - at least for me - of designing a new kit is the PAPER. Maybe that is because I simply looooooovvvvveeeee playing around with them. The elements require me to think too much. Hahahaha....and who the heck wants to think???

Anyway - here is the finished paper pack.

And yes - this time there really will be elements to follow. They are almost done in fact and I promise to upload them by Friday at 5 pm.

In the meanwhile - just click the pic to download the papers. :o)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Am I Forever LATE????

Mmmm...probably because I am never really satisfied with my own creations - so I tend to do them over and over. Which is exactly why it is July 22 and I am STILL working on this latest project. I snagged the color scheme from the good people at Digiscrap Addicts. Their newsletter - The Enabler - provides a color scheme every month and designers are encouraged to submit entries based on it. Of course the deadline was July 1st...and it is obviously WAY past that. Hehehe. However, I was having so much fun coming up with something that I decided to finish it anyway and just post it here.

So - the color scheme given was this:

I have two boys, ages 7 and 14, and they both LOVE to be outdoors. Since I was laid off at the beginning of the summer (hours reduced from full time to 3 days a week) we have spent countless hours at the lake. Consequently, I have lots of shots of my boys fishing. So - voila' - that became my theme. I have the majority of it done, but there are still a couple tweaks to finish. Instead of posting a preview of the items, I lifted a layout from a gallery and made a page using my designs. (SO, SO Sorry for whoever's layout this is...I can't give you credit because I didn't write it down. It was originally from Vinnie Pearce's blog - the Lift This challenge - and I've noticed that the challenges have been removed so I wasn't able to go back and find it.

Anyway - here is the scrap page:

Maybe - just maybe - I will have it done by the end of the week. :o) Then it is on to next month's color scheme! Who knows....maybe I will get that one done on time.

Credits: Everything is mine except the stitching. The circle stitching is by Natali Design and the zigzag ones are from Vinnie Pearce.

And this is all mine except for the little word strips that spell "fishing" - those are the awesome Katie Pertiet at Designer Digitals.

So....what ya think? Ready for the download? :o)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Holy cow! It's "only" been almost a month, but the papers are finished at last. Don't even ask me about the elements though....I have tons of ideas of course - its just finding the time to execute them that is the problem. As if taking an entire month to create 12 papers isn't already an indication that life is frantic. :o)

However I am extremely excited - and mostly pleased - by the way this first designing adventure has turned out. The first two were easy-peasy....but when I got down to number 5...6...and all the way to 12...let's just say it took a bit of thought and inspirational internet browsing.

My first obstacle was deciding on a color scheme. I knew (from the first two) that I would have gray, green and yellow. Then I decided after a couple more design attempts that I was going to need another color. Something that stood out, something to create a focal point with. I also knew that I wanted it to be a shade of red - I just wasn't sure which shade. So......Kuler to the rescue! I absolutely LOVE Kuler. If you aren't sure what I am talking about, travel over to this site:

With a little slider action here and a little slider action there...I settled on this theme:

See how the red just sorta pops against all those other tones? Love it!

And.....(drum roll please)....this is the final Taste Of The Orient paper pack!

So there you have it folks. Some of them have a subtle pattern to them that does not show up very well at this size and resolution. In fact, none of them are completely solid except for the yellow one in the top row (middle).

I will be loading them up to DigiScrapDepot, but last time I tried that it took FOREVER and then they never did approve it for some reason. case you would like to download this paper pack you can do so here:

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well here goes....

I am having some difficulty finding my creative mojo these days. I adore scrapbooking (digital of course because I am too lazy to clean up the mess I make when I try to do paper versions), but lately....I just can't seem to find the "zing" necessary for good art. I am all wishy-washy! "Mmmm...maybe that layout. Nah. Ohhh...there's a good one! Or maybe not." That is the little commentary that repeats itself endlessly when I try to scrap. So I have decided to embark on a journey of a little different scope. Still scrapbooking - and still digital. However, instead of making bland page after page of so-so layouts I have decided to concentrate on creating my very own kits.

Yep - I know there are lots, and lots, and LOTS of people out there doing the same darn thing. But this is about me - not about them, or about how many FANTASTIC products are already out there. This is simply my way of keeping those creative juices flowing and finding a way to get around my scrapper's block.

My first project is called Taste of The Orient. I've always been fascinated with dragons and the lore behind them. In fact, last year I had a tattoo done and the image is a dragon with Kanji that means "Survivor." I hit the 5 year remission mark and it seemed like an appropriate way to commemorate the occasion. So that is where the seed of inspiration began. I started this morning....and boy am I SLOW at this! I'm too picky and not very versed in this end of scrapbook design, so it is taking my awhile. I do have a preview for you though - at least of the first two papers (as they currently stand - who knows if I will change them or not. lol)

So there they are....the beginnings of a new adventure. Wish me luck!